Thursday, 29 December 2016

Final Lyrics

I finally managed to finish the lyrics for the song. I believe they tell the story I wanted to tell is apparent in the lyrics and it communicates a Folk pop genre like I wanted. My final lyrics are: 

When I was younger I was taught
If I blew a bubble it would burst
If I climbed a tree it would fall down 
If I meet a stranger I should frown 

When I was 8 I broke my arm
On the monkey bars at the Killy Arms 
Then I turned 10 and my best friend 
Packed up and moved to Manchester

And oh those days are gone 
Those easy days
Laughing at the park with all my friends
Wishing that the day will never end

And oh those days are gone 
Those easy days 
And now they've changed 

When I was older about 16
I met a boy who was tall and lean 
He made me laugh and he made me smile
Now all thats left are these photographs 

Then I left school age 18
Ventured off to university 
Drank a lot and ate crap food
Writing songs puts me in a shitty mood

And oh those days are gone 
Those easy days 
Drinking at the park with all my friends 
Wishing that the night would never end 

And oh those days are gone
Those easy days
And now they've changed 

La la la etc... 



In this song I sing about the things I earlier mentioned in the timeline I made. I believe I tell a clear story throughout and show a clear journey through life. This is shown by having two different choruses where I sing about two different topics. In the first chorus I am young and I sing about playing in the park with my friends, this then transitions to the second chorus where I sing about drinking in the park with my friends. The different choruses help to clearly show a passage of time and assist in telling my chosen story. 

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