My initial chord progression that I discussed in an earlier post; C, G, F and Em, will now no longer work with my new idea and lyrics. The old chords didn't sound very happy and upbeat in the way I was playing them so I decided it would be best to have a fresh start and the create a new chord progression. As I had decided to play the song with guitar, an instrument I'm not overly confident in playing, I believed it would be best to stick to chords that I am confident in playing. I then realised I needed to come up with a strumming/ finger picking pattern.
After playing around with different chords I finally decided upon a new chord progression: D, A, Em, G. I believed that these were chords I could play confidently on guitar and that they had the desired sound I wanted. With the right strumming pattern I believe that they could sound just like a pop/ folk song. While I was playing the guitar I stumbled upon a strumming pattern which came naturally to me: down, down, up, up, down, up. This lively strumming pattern helped to create the happy, upbeat sound I was striving to achieve.
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