Thursday, 24 November 2016

Initial Chord Ideas

My first idea for writing this song was to choose a song I enjoy and play around with the chords to create a new chord progression. I sat at the piano and decided to figure out the chords for songbird. I would then play around with the tempo and octave placement of the chords to see what sounded good. The original chords that are in songbird are: D, G, Em, Bm and A. I played these chords in different arrangements and added extra chords in and came up with these chords: C, G, F and Em

At this point I wasn't sure whether or not if I liked this arrangement or the chords but it was a starting point and was beginning to inspire me slightly on where i would go with the lyrics for the song. I then started wondering whether or not I wanted other people involved playing different instruments or whether or not it would sound better with just me singing and playing either piano or guitar. Depending on what direction I take with the lyrics will help me decide if the song with be played on piano or guitar. 

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